Monday 1 November 2010

Little Houses

I love the aged look of the colourful houses perched on the hills here. I use crackling varnish to create a layered, worn appearance.

I put my work up on the wall a lot so I can check out the composition and colour balance from a distance.

I put some bronze highlights in to catch the light.
So Good to be painting again ! :)


  1. The colors here are beautiful. I like the idea of the little houses. xo

  2. so good
    for me too
    that you're
    painting again!
    i looove how
    you've translated
    those houses!!

  3. What a beautiful blog you have and what gorgeous art work! I LOVE your little houses! (and your trees from your earlier post!!) :)

  4. Good source of inspiration theses houses are, and nice painting, it is important to nurture the things we love making and doing, I hope you get to paint much much more!!

  5. I love seeing the process and how you get to wher you are going. Very nice! I love the interpretation of the houses.
    Also what a great place you live in to take a walk!!!
